Good-bye to paci?

Could it really be this easy? Three nights ago I tried an experiment. I know, call me crazy, but I wanted to see if Sam would go to bed without his pacifer. I had it ready to give to him, but instead of offering it. I quietly placed it under the story-time rocking chair, just out of sight, while I grabbed "Pajama Time."
Now for a little background, my son has used his nook religiously for all sleeping occasions since he was about 2 weeks old. That's a lot of paci time! I expected the worst, crying, whining, pleading...but nothing happened. We read our two stories, sang two songs, prayed, in fact we went through the entire routine and he didn't even notice. I laid him down in his crib and I walked slow, knowing any moment a muffled cry of, "want paci" would come from Sam's mouth. Nothing. He slept all night long.
Now I can't say it's a complete cold turkey. Sam had a relapse this afternoon, but tonight he's back on the wagon. His once cherished paci now sits in the kitchen drawer soon to be dumped into another kitchen receptacle. This parenting thing is a piece of cake ;) Potty training anyone?
That is too easy. Jonathan has been sucking his thumb for 3 years with no end in sight. Now, if there was some way that we could put Jonathan's fingers in the drawer for a while....
Still, there is the dreaded relapse! I think it will happen just about the time that he sees his little brother being given all of the attention.
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