Something to be Thankful for...

I know I'm a few days late, but I'm not really fast with this posting thing yet and to at this point there are a total of about three people reading this blog, so it's not the end of the world.
Two weeks ago Jen and I saw our new baby for the first time. You can see a rough cut in the picture. I have to say that the grainy image is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Pregnancy is such a mystery. You know something is growing inside your wife, but what does he/she look like? Is the baby healthy? Properly formed? Growing according to schedule? A boy or girl? There were so many of these questions in my mind as we walked into the radiologist and the in the space of a few minutes they were all answered. This Thanksgiving I can thank God for a wonderful wife, amazing son and a perfectly formed, healthy, normal new baby boy! Now all we need to work on is a name. Sam's suggestion: Gokki Butter. I'll need to find out what it means before we make it a definite :)
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