Up for air

Anyway, on to the good news. We kicked off the year with a huge welcome week offering of events and we're slammed with students at every one! We handed out ice cream, cooked smores, played capture the flag and had hundreds of freshmen join us. Sometimes, in the middle of planning these events I ask myself if we should keep doing these things. I think we will! The picture is of a group of us grabbing Chinese food after our 5th Annual Riddle Quest (a scavenger hunt around the DC monuments). Lots of fun!
Our first Thursday Night Worship of the year had a record 101 students show up (of course, I didn't bring a camera). It was a blast! The worship time was powerful and in the middle of delivering my message on Luke chapter 5, I had a powerful sense that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. We've had a month's worth of TNWs since then and I wish I could say we've stayed @ 100. Well, we haven't (we're hanging around 70-80), but God has blessed us with a strong sense of his presence each night.
Our theme this year is "Deeper." I think God is taking us there. We've been walking through the book of Ephesians verse by verse. Each week it's as if we're pulling back the curtain of this world and getting a bigger picture of reality. If you haven't read Ephesians in a while, I would recommend it. It will leave you in awe of our great God who, for no reason other than his incomparable grace, reached down and saved us.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue to follow up a huge number of contacts and reach out to the thousands more @ AU. This is a pivotal time in the life of college students. They're setting their schedules and their priorities. Pray that they would hear the voice of the Holy Spirit calling them deeper.
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