Wednesday, August 30, 2006

From Another Reason to be Glad You're at American.

I wrote this yesterday for our students on the website. I thought you might like to see it too.

Let's be honest. When people think about universities in Washington, DC, the first one that pops in their minds is not American. Several times, when I've mentioned to others that I minister to college students in DC they ask, "at Georgetown?" I just smile and tell them about a great school just a mile or two up the road.

Well, last week, AU has just become more popular, at least among Evangelical Protestants. That was when Georgetown University decided to remove all affiliated Protestant campus ministries including our Chi Alpha chapter there. The reason given... a "reorganization." You can check out the news stories from The Hoya, Washington Post, Washington Times and World Net Daily by clicking on the links.

Personally, I am deeply saddened by the news. My friends, Shawn Galyen, director of Chi Alpha, Karen Keyser, director of the American Friends program, and Sally Herman, director of Chi Alpha at the Med School, we unjustly removed and treated with disdain after serving the campus and Georgetown students faithfully for years without any compensation from Georgetown. What upsets me most, however, are the hundreds of students from 6 affiliated Protestant ministries that are disenfranchised. They were a part of a spiritual community where they received support, comfort, strength and wisdom. Now continuing that community has become much more difficult. Hannah Coyne, a senior Chi Alpha leader expressed it this way, “We found our home here. I know some students who may not even have come back this year if they had not been part of this group and felt support and love.”

I want to extend that support and love to our brothers and sisters down the road. You can help me. If you know of anyone connected to Georgetown University, ask them to write a letter about this decision. Here's where they can send them:

1. President John J DeGioia, Office of the President, Georgetown University, 204 Healy Hall, 37th & 'O' Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20057 2. Mr. Edward Quinn, Secretary of the University, Office of the Secretary, Georgetown University, 205 Healy Hall, 37th & 'O' Streets, Washington, DC 20057

3. Father Philip L. Boroughs, S.J., Vice President of Mission and Ministry, Georgetown University, 108 Healy Hall, 37th & 'O' Streets, Washington, DC 20057.

4. Father Timothy S. Godfrey, S.J., Director of Campus Ministry, Georgetown University, Office of Campus Ministry, 109 Healy Hall, 37th & 'O' Streets, Washington, DC 20057

5. Reverend Constance Wheeler, Protestant Ministry Office, Georgetown University, 109 Healy Hall, 37th & 'O' Streets, Washington, DC 20057.

I was at a meeting with the leaders of Georgetown Chi Alpha last night and I invited them to join us in worship. They will continue to pursue every channel to reverse this unjust decision, but in the meantime, they need a place where they can connect with God and receive comfort and healing. I know that you will welcome them with open arms. Finally, please pray. Pray that our God of justice would work the miraculous for the students of Georgetown.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

The buzz is growing...

After I completed my post on the dismissal of affiliated Protestant campus ministries @ Georgetown I did a blog search to see what people are saying. Well, they're saying a lot. Here is a link to my search results. It gave me 263 results! Feel free to weigh in yourself.

Here are a few more news links

World Net Daily
First Things

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Gone in a instant...Part 2

Now on to something far more serious than a stolen laptop. Last Friday, we were told by our colleagues @ Georgetown University that they and all the other affiliated Protestant campus ministries had been removed from official status as chaplains. It was an unprecedented move brought on "as part of a broad restructuring effort in the Office of Campus Ministry, which has altered its organizational structure in the hopes of creating a strong Protestant ministry within the campus." There was no opportunity for our Chi Alpha to discuss the change or even be fully informed of the reasons for it. They were simply dismissed.

I'm asking you, as faithful supporters of campus ministry, to pray. Pray for a miracle of a change in thinking amongst the Georgetown administration or for an open door to reach students in an unconventional way. Pray for Shawn and Deb Galyen and Karen Keyser ministers @ Georgetown's undergraduate campus and Sally Herman, minister @ the medical school, as they discern God's will. And finally, pray for the hundreds of students disenfranchised by this decision. Pray that they would not be discouraged as they continue to follow after Jesus and make His love known @ Georgetown.

One more thing. If you or anyone you know is connected to Georgetown directly or otherwise, please contact me by clicking the contact link to the right. We are starting a letter writing campaign to protest this injustice and we could use you help. Click on the hyperlinks to read the letter written by the University Protestant Chaplain and news stories from the
campus paper, the Washington Times and the Washington Post.

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Gone in a instant

Last Saturday was a blur. I spent most of the afternoon preparing for a leaders' meeting and the work went right down to the wire. At 7 pm, the stress gave way to excitement when the first students walked in and we had a great meeting. It was great to be reminded of the honor it is to serve God and be a part of changing the world through college students! After the meeting was over, I spent time catching up with our leaders and then cleaning up. That's when I noticed something interesting. Something was missing.

Before the meeting I purchased three 12 packs of soda. They were on sale so I figured I would pick some up for this meeting and be covered for at least 1 more. I opened them up and set them by the pizza we had ordered and I went on with the rest of what we were doing. Well, by the end of our event, I was thirsty, so I went looking for the leftover soda and I couldn't find it. Sure we had a decent size group, 20 or so leaders, but I couldn't imagine going through 36 cans in 2 hours! I started searching and I came up empty. Still confused i returned to my office (which I had l left a few minutes before searching for the soda) and I noticed something else missing. Something far more valuable. My laptop was stolen! Needless to say I was in shock and I think I still am. I had that computer for more than 3 year and carted it around with me everywhere. It was my little digital friend (of which I have a few). As I ran around the office in a panic, I began to realized the damage that was done. All of my summer's work vanished. All of the Bible studies I was working on were gone. All of the artwork, website and administrative material I created over the last few months was gone.

Well, why am I smiling in this picture you ask. I'll tell you. I'm writing this blog on my new computer. I purchased a brand new MacBook with the money from my insurance and emergency funds from the Potomac District of the Assemblies of God (thanks Keith!). In fact, I took the picture with it's built in camera. It's pretty spiffy. i resisted the switch for a long time, but now that i can run any program I want on it Mac or Windows, I was sold.

Lessons learned:

1. Back-up your files!!!!
2. Buy a security cable lock (I picked one up with this purchase).
3. Don't cry over stolen soda, you might just lose something more valuable.
4. Finally, God really does work all things for the good, and He usually does it in partnership with good friends.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Another brush with fame...Jen's turn

If you keep up with parenting news, then you've heard about the British lady who's tired of her kids. Well, Jen was given an opportunity by the local CBS news to weigh in on the issue and here it is. Too bad she didn't get the chance to read the article before the filming!

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