IVs, X-rays, and the blessings of community

This is a picture of Levi after one of the scariest moments of his young life. Last night, around 8 pm, he began to throw up (seems like this blog is developing a theme). After 3 times, got him in to see a doctor. What we thought would be cured with a simple prescription, turned into a trip to the emergency room and an admittance to Fairfax Hospital. The concern was a possible intestinal blockage and a high chance of dehydration in babies Levi's age. He was connected to an IV (after 6 attempts) and strapped to a board where x-rays were taking of this GI tract. When the test were completed, Levi was admitted to continue the IV fluids and observation.
Medically, Levi is fine. The x-rays showed no blockages and his blood test came back negative for any viruses. The doctors attributed the vomiting episode to reflux, a problem in 50 percent of infants. After a few months, he'll grow out of it. In the meantime, we have a prescription to help.
What was truly amazing about the experience was the outpouring of love we received. Dan, one of our students rushed over to stay with Sam for the night. Molly, a friend in our building volunteered babysitting to give me a chance to sleep and Harvey and Sally, fellow Chi Alpha workers, brought over an awesome dinner. I was supposed to take 3 students to a conference tomorrow and Shawn, the XA director @ Georgetown, volunteered to give them a ride so I can stay with the family for another day. Along with all the help we did receive, we had a bunch of phone calls from friends asking if they could do anything else.
I never, ever want to experience another night like the last, but even still I'm seeing some good in it. God showed us the blessings of community. We have some of the best friends in the world. We love you guys!
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