Not a bad way to wake up.

This morning I woke up to a surprise. Sam and I were on the front page of the Style section in the Washington Post. The background story: We were on a father/son outing picking up my guitar from a major repair and I decided to check out a few new ones that are way out of my price range. I picked up a Martin and a lady with a camera walked in the room. She introduced herself as a photographer for the Post and started taking pictures. She said the paper was doing a feature story on Chuck Levin's because it was an extremely successful independently owned music store (I guess that's pretty odd).
Nikki, the photographer, said that we may make the paper, but I never imagined what we found this morning. It was above the fold and about 5"x8"--that's huge! I was impressed. Sam reaction was classic. He looked at it as if he expected it to be there. I imagine he'll search future papers for a picture of himself. What can you say, he's famous! But lest it get to his head, I let him know they misspelled his name on the caption.
Samuel Godswa 2 1/2, beams as dad Michael strums a guitar at Chuck Levin's
Washington Music Center, a magnet for musicians the world over.
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